As often as we need our daily bread, so, too, do we need the Lord's forgiveness. As we begin to grasp just how great an offense sin is against God, we…
The fourth petition (the first of the second trio in the Lord's Prayer) is the first that brings our needs before God. Besides acknowledging our dependence on God ("give"), we…
What are you asking for when you pray the third petition of the Lord's Prayer, "your will be done?" We often think of others or even of nations submitting to Christ's rule.…
"Hallowed be your name" is the first petition that Jesus taught his disciples to pray in this model prayer. How does God hallow his name, and how are we to do…
Always near us (omnipresent), able to do all his holy will (omnipotent), and knowing everything, including all possibilities (omniscient) – this is our Father in heaven. He has given us every…
Why did Jesus teach his disciples to address God as "our Father?" Was it to teach them (and us) that we can approach God as members of his family, children…
Giving, praying, fasting - these were important acts of piety for God's people in Christ's day and for us today. But Christ goes to the heart of the matter: why…