The Living Tabernacle – Altar and Sacrifice
The eternal Word who was with God in the beginning and who was God (John 1:1) took up our human nature and dwelt with us; literally, he tabernacled with men. The Apostle John knew that the Old Testament was full of Christ (cf. John 5:39), and in his gospel record of Christ's life and ministry we can discern the O.T. tabernacle and its furnishings being fulfilled in and by Christ. We first come to the altar as we enter this literary tabernacle and we are pointed to the sacrifice: "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29) Come and adore the Lamb that would be slain on the New Testament altar of the cross for all who believe in him.
Christ prefigured, tabernacle, typology